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Astrology and yoga

Astro yoga is a combination of yoga and astrology that dates back thousands of years.  It is a means to explore the link between a perfect practice and the traditional areas of the body in astrology, and how we can strengthen them through yoga. Many yoga practices focus on balancing the body’s energy centers, which also have planetary, zodiac, and elemental (earth, fire, air, water, ether) associations.

Yoga offers the practices we need to access our deep sense of well-being, and Astrology offers tools of how to navigate time and our life purpose, says Guruji. Together, they form a powerful practice that can catapult you on the path to becoming a more potent version of yourself. Aligning your yoga practice with the timing of the cosmos and nature returns you to a more aligned, natural state.

How Astro Yoga works:

It is thought that by aligning the practice of yoga with astrology, we can become more attuned to the universe, achieving a deeper state of wellness and fulfillment. The basic idea of Astro yoga starts with each zodiac sign being associated with a specific body part. To harness and tap into the energy of a particular zodiac sign, you can practice yoga postures and flows that strengthen and energize the body part it rules. Here’s a brief overview of what rules what:

  • Aries rules the head
  • Taurus rules the neck
  • Gemini rules the arms, hands, and lungs
  • Cancer rules the breasts, chest, and stomach
  • Leo rules the heart and upper back
  • Virgo rules the digestive tract and lower belly
  • Libra rules the lower back
  • Scorpio rules the womb and reproductive organs
  • Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs
  • Capricorn rules the knees and skeletal system
  • Aquarius rules the ankles and circulatory system
  • Pisces rules the feet and lymphatic system

Once you have a general understanding of which sign rules which body parts, there are a few ways you can merge the two practices together.

Methods to Practice Astro Yoga:

Sun, Moon, And Yoga :

Hatha (Sun-Moon) yoga in itself is an exercise that encourages synchronization with the celestial cycles – it’s a natural springboard for bringing the body into alignment with the Sun, the Moon, and the stars! It’s thought that these natural cycles promote happier bodies and greater spiritual awakening…

Depending on your zodiac sign you could have a vulnerability in that area, doing yoga for that area can transform the weakness into strength. Perform the yoga pose for your moon sign to attune to the rhythms of the universe, and for your rising sign to promote self-esteem.

Work with the transits:

One way to get started with Astro yoga is by adjusting your yoga practice to correlate with astrological transits, which Ridout says can help you navigate the natural shifts of what’s happening in real-time in your life.

Start by figuring out where the sun is in the zodiac. For example, is it Pisces season, when the sun moves into the Pisces sign? Or Scorpio season, when the sun is entering Scorpio? (Each of these “seasons” lasts about a month, and a simple Google search will tell you what zodiac season we’re currently in.) Once you know, you can focus your yoga practice on postures and flows that energize and strengthen the body parts ruled by that sign.

Flow with the yearly seasons:

You can also work with the traditional seasons (spring, summer, fall, and winter). Each of these seasons rules certain body parts, so you can do postures and flows that align with the current season. For example, big heart-openers are great during the summer because the season rules the area of the upper and middle back and chest.

Fall signs rule the low back, hips, and sexual organs, so balancing on the feet, which stabilizes the hips, low back, and pelvis is the key for this season. The winter months rule the low body, thighs, knees, and feet. Spring signs rule the head, neck, and arms, so arm balancing is a great choice in spring. And in the winter, forward folding and restorative postures are key.


The above-given practices of Astro yoga help you to align your body with having a stable and fulfilled life. Guruji is an avid practitioner of yoga and highly recommends performing yoga regularly for having a sound mind and body. We highly recommend consulting PANDIT SHRI SIDHANT ARUN SHARMA GURUJI as he is Highly experienced with Astrology and expert in the field of Palm reading, Face reading, and evading clutches of black magic. He is the Best Astrologer to Predict your Destiny by reading your chart. Everyone regardless of any religion or background is wholeheartedly welcome to Guruji. We have made it even easier for anyone to take a consultation as online consultation services are available just one click away!

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