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How to Overcome From Bad Additions

What are Bad Additions?

Bad Addictions can be disastrous for anyone. The world has seen increased addiction of youth to drugs and other abusive substances. Here we give you some tips on how to fight such addictions and some astrological tips from the best astrologer in Bangalore. There has been a very high level of exposure to abusive substances among youths which is causing a huge number of them to get addicted to these substances.

There can be various reasons for this happening, easy availability, need to fit in among the so-called cool people, to get away from their daily hardships and feel good, experimentation of new experiences, getting attention from their peers, lack of education regarding how dangerous these substances can be, etc are some of the most common reasons why people get started in using these substances. Then slowly it releases unnatural levels of dopamine in the brain which is impossible to get from doing anything else. Hence people fall prey and get addicted to it and repeat the action over and over again which only makes the situation even worse.

Tips to get Overcome from Bad Addictions

Change your company. The people you hang out with tell a lot about you. Bad influence from wrong friends can be one of the major causes of people falling into bad habits. You must avoid people who drag you down or who cause you to go away from your responsibilities and duties.

Start taking care of your body. It is a true thing that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Start waking up early and exercising. Exercise helps you to feel great and refreshed. It helps develop self-love and confidence which is very important for your mental health.

Eat a healthy diet that is high in protein. It is recommended you avoid foods that cause gastric. This will help you be at ease and not feel sick.

Stay busy with other work and start new hobbies.  Staying engaged with new hobbies not only shifts your mood from depressed to good but also help you meet new people who will help you in this journey. 

Astrology Tips to Overcome Addictions

Here given below are some methods using which you can work your way on sobriety.

To stop any kind of bad influence on oneself, one should check their Rahu and Shani. The astrologer will check this first and do the required puja to correct it.

Keep chanting the mantra for Shani – “om sham Shanishcharaya  Namaha”

Take 40 pieces of cloves and stick them in an apple. Keep the apple in the fridge for 3 days. After 3 days, take out the cloves from the apple and throw away the apple. Have the addicted person eat those cloves each day. This will help them detoxify.

Drink various natural juices. The best juices are lemon juice, grape juice, ginger juice.

Wear a ring made up of pure copper on your middle finger. Wear it for as long as possible and do not remove it.

-you can also consult an Ayurvedic doctor. Treating for Drakshasava and piplasava has shown a significant amount of improvement among people and can greatly help you too.


Although Guruji always recommends going for a settlement in any court case, there are times when one needs to prepare to face the opponent and their bad intentions. PANDIT SHRI SIDHANT ARUN SHARMA GURUJI is known as the best astrologer in Bangalore because he can solve such hard and complex matters with his proficiency and knowledge over the subject of Astrology. We highly recommend you to consult Guruji for the best results. We have made it even easier for anyone to take a consultation as online consultation services are available just one click away!

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